Lärarförsäkringar in English
Information about Lärarförsäkringar.
About Lärarförsäkringar
Svenska Lärarförsäkringar, or The Swedish Teachers’ Insurance, was founded in 1998 by two teaching unions – The Swedish Teachers' Union, Lärarförbundet, and The National Union of Teachers in Sweden, Lärarnas Riksförbund.
From the 1st of January 2023 the two unions has reorganized as Sveriges Lärare and Sveriges Skolledare.
Lärarförsäkringar provides the unions' members with competitive insurance policies, and advice regarding savings and pension schemes. Lärarförsäkringar is not an insurance company per se, but acts as an intermediary between the union members and different insurance providers; to negotiate the best possible insurance products with the best possible terms and conditions for the unions' members.
Every new member of Sveriges Lärare and/or Sveriges Skolledare with active member status are automatically covered by a basic insurance policy with Lärarförsäkringar. Members are free to opt-out at any time. Our approach means that our customers will not need to undergo an individual health check upon sign up. This also means that our insurance products are available to a large number of people who otherwise might not be able to be fully covered by insurance.
Lärarförsäkringar's pensions counsellors offer guidance on the pension system and the various options open to you. For example, we can help you with the all-important occupational pension also known as company pension (tjänstepension).
Our counsellors give you a full overview of your pension and will help you calculate the private savings you will need to supplement the national pension (allmän pension) and your occupational pension.
Pensions and Savings Councelling is free of charge for members.
If you are approaching retirement age, Lärarförsäkringar can support your retirement planning. For example, we can give advice on how to withdraw your pension, how your pension is affected if you retire early, and questions regarding working part-time or working past retirement age, so that you fully understand the different elements that form your pension.
Retirement Planning is free of charge for members. -
Accident Insurance (Olycksfallsförsäkring)
Our accident insurance provides cover during time off work. The insurance covers, for example, certain dental injuries, hospital stays of more than two days, and injuries that result in disability.
Health Insurance (Sjukförsäkring)
Our health insurance policy provides a monthly payment in the event of income loss due to long-term illness. It also provides a one-off compensation payment if the policyholder is diagnosed with a number of severe diseases such as cancer or stroke.
Medical Treatment Insurance (Sjukvårdsförsäkring)
Our Medical Treatment Insurance quickly provides access to private medical care.
Life Insurance (Livförsäkring)
Our life insurance policy provides protection for the policy holder's immediate family members, such as spouse, partner or children in the event of the policyholder’s death. The policy is available in a variety of amounts from SEK 500,000 up to SEK 3,000,000.
The Young Adult Package (Ungdomspaketet)
The ideal insurance policy for those under the age of 32, our young adult package provides health, accident and life insurance.
Student Insurance (Studentförsäkring Leva and Studentförsäkring Bo)
Our student insurance is an affordable accident-, diagnosis- and life insurance policy for students. We also offer a home contents insurance for students called Studentförsäkring Bo.
Pregnancy Insurance (Gravidförsäkring)
Our pregnancy insurance offers cover for a range of different events such as disability, hospital care, accident or disease. It is available in Basic (Bas) and Large (Stor) versions.
Children’s Insurance (Barnförsäkring)
Our children’s insurance offers cover for a range of different events such as disability, hospital care, accidents or disease. It is available in Basic (Bas) and Large (Stor) versions.
Home Insurance (Hemförsäkring)
Our Home Insurance covers your property and provides additional insurance cover for your person when travelling (including medical care abroad) if you are a victim of crime or involved in a legal dispute. Home Insurance is available in Basic (Bas), Medium (Mellan) and Large (Stor). Medium (Mellan) and Large (Stor) include comprehensive insurance that covers self-inflicted damage to property (allrisk).
Homeowners Insurance (Borätt)
An additional policy that can be added to our Home Insurance if you own part of a large property, for example a flat in an apartment block (bostadsrätt).
House Insurance (Villaförsäkring)
House Insurance covers the roof, walls, and floors of the property in which you currently live. This policy also covers broken fixtures, heaters, and pest control. It is available in Basic (Bas) and Large (Stor).
Seasonal- and Holiday Home Insurance (Fritidshusförsäkring)
This policy covers a seasonal- or holiday property in which you do not live permanently, and insures among other items roof, walls, and floor. The insurance also covers damage to domestic appliances and pest control. It is available in Basic (Bas) and Large (Stor).
Accident Insurance Senior (Olycksfallsförsäkring senior)
Our Accident Insurance Senior includes dental injuries, compensation for costs related to medical expenses, medical products, and compensation during disability.
Life Insurance Senior (SeniorLiv)
Life Insurance for senior members. The policy can be taken out between January 1st and the 31st of March the year the member turns 70 years old.
Diagnosis Insurance Senior (Diagnosförsäkring senior)
A one-off compensation if the policy holder is diagnosed with certain severe health conditions. Diagnosis insurance is only available through transfer from our health insurance, which expires when the policy holder reaches the age of 66.
Medical Treatment Insurance for Accidents Senior (Sjukvård vid olycksfall Senior)
Our Medical Treatment Insurance for Accidents Senior quickly provides access to private medical care in case of an accident.
Musical Instrument Insurance (Musikinstrumentförsäkring)
This policy covers your musical instruments, including damages caused during transport, or as a result of theft, fire, or water. The policy is valid worldwide.
Pet Insurance (Kattförsäkring, Hundförsäkring, Smådjursförsäkring)
Cat insurance, dog insurance and small animals insurance provides cover for your pet.
Income Protection Insurance (Inkomstförsäkring)
All active members of Sveriges Lärare and Sveriges Skolledare are protected by mandatory Income Protection Insurance. This insurance, in combination with a membership in the state-run Unemployment Insurance Fund, A-kassan, covers your monthly income by up to 80 per cent in the event of unemployment. The insurance is included in the membership fee in the union.
Full terms and conditions are only available in Swedish. Please contact us if you need any further information.
Contact details: Svenska Lärarförsäkringar AB, Box 5097, 102 42 Stockholm, Sweden Customer service: +46 771 21 09 09. Contact us by e-mail.